Luxuszug Rovos Rail bei Pretoria verunglückt

von Marco Penzel

Rovos Rail trägt den stolzen Slogan „Pride of Africa“. Die Fahrten in den historischen Wagons auf Strecken wie Kapstadt-Pretoria oder Pretoria-Victoria Falls sowie auf der legendären Reise bis nach Dar es Salaam zählen zu den luxuriösesten Zugreisen weltweit.

ein Kommentar


23.04.2010 um 07:33

Hier der Hergang des Unfalls, geschildert von Rovos Rail:

At 10h30 on Wednesday 21 April, a Rovos Rail train en-route from Cape Town to Pretoria stopped at Centurion Station to change locomotives. The electric locomotives then uncoupled whilst our steam loco stood by to move on to the main line. The signalling system was temperamental and delayed this process by 45 minutes. While the steam loco was waiting for a signal change, the train started moving alongside it. At the time our train manager and a group of guests were waiting on the platform at the front to observe the locomotive change. On noticing the movement, the manager and loco staff applied handbrakes to three carriages, which was not enough to stop the momentum on the significant decline out of Centurion Station towards Pretoria. The train then proceeded for 10 km down to Pretoria Station where it derailed due to excessive speed across the points leading into the station. The occurrence is being investigated.

On a very sad note three of our staff members died in the accident, while two were hospitalised. At this time one passenger is in hospital in a serious but stable condition, and six others are being treated for fractures.

There were 19 carriages on the train of which 15 are damaged beyond repair. Clean-up activities are in progress and all vehicles are expected to be removed from the track by midnight tonight.

The operation of the business will continue as usual with the Victoria Falls service having departed this morning and Cape Town departing tomorrow afternoon. The loss of the rolling stock is being assessed but all trains will be departing as planned.

We thank you for your kind support.

Rovos Rail Head Office